In "Mobile Suit Gundam Seed Freedom," the Immortal Justice Gundam has been reimagined as an HG model kit by Bandai. This model features the "Seed Action System" internal structure, designed to faithfully recreate dynamic poses. Additionally, it offers the ability to transform into its MA form through parts replacement. The kit includes a novel shield that serves both offensive and defensive purposes, complete with transparent effect parts. These effect parts can also be attached to the boomerangs on each side of the hip armor. Furthermore, the beam cutter extending from the knees to the toes is authentically replicated using effect parts.


  • Beam rifle
  • Shield
  • Boomerang x2
  • Effect parts x1 
  • Joint parts
  • Stickers


SKU HC62859
Barcode # 4573102662859
Brand Bandai
Shipping Weight 0.3000kg